Where Was God?

In lieu of the recent attacks on Washington D.C. and New York, several people have been asking "Where Was God During This?" Here's some answers:

He was there when the planes struck at 9 a.m., rather 10 a.m. when most of the buildings would have been occupied.

He was there when people in the second building felt the urges to get out before the second plane struck.

He was there in the faces of firefighters, police officers, and rescue workers who acted as angels to help the wounded and those who perished.

He was there in every church, synagogue, and place of worship when His children asked for healing and prayed for the victims.

He was there when one man descended from the 82nd floor and escaped with only a broken leg when the building collapsed.

He was there when for whatever reason, people were delayed from arriving for work on time, or when they missed one of the four flights that perished and found themselves on a different flight.

He was there to welcome into the Light those who perished, and He found places for them where there is no more suffering, hurt, or agony.

He was there when a woman and her feared-dead husband were reunited on a New York street corner amidst the chaos, crumbling buildings, and scrambling people.

He was there for the teacher on Long Island, who received a bouquet of flowers the day after the explosion. They were from her missing son, saying thank you for helping him move into the city.
He was there at the Pentagon, when a renovated section was targeted and hit that had just started receiving occupants.

He was there when passengers on the Pennsylvania plane decided to overtake the hijackers, preventing more deaths and destruction.

He was there when authorities found leads on suspects and curbed further possible problems when our airports reopened.

He was there when this national tragedy reshaped America from a "me" society to a "we" society.

He was there when the two youths assisted the elderly man away from the buildings before they crumbled.

He was there when newscasters were reporting the incidents, so America could see that in the midst of tragedy, there were people safe in New York, and how quickly the emergency teams responded.

He was there to inspire candlelight vigils, prayer services, and emotional support services to help those traumatized, and to see His children returning to him in His houses across the country.

There is good in the world, and, unfortunately, there is evil. That's part of the Free Will given by the Creator. But never think for a moment that He would not be here with us through it all. No matter how separated one may feel from God, He never separates himself from us.